CV Show 2019 Birmingham

We were showcasing and demonstrating our latest Carbon and DPF cleaning machines at the Commercial Vehicle Show at the NEC. The response was outstanding with many workshop owners interested in our live demo of the DCS-16 DPF cleaning machine.
Our off car DPF cleaning service has become very popular due to the ease of service, immediate results and the huge profit potential.
Take a look at the show report from our Head of business development, Ben.

A HiQ Network Workshop begins carbon Clean

A reputable HiQ network in Rushden, UK has become an approved Carbon Clean centre. This garage is well established in the area and after seeing a demo of our machine, they were very interested in the concept. The owner, Paul Evans explains “We’ve been around for 21 years and always looking for new technology and equipment to drive our services forward and to stay ahead”.

We couldn’t agree more, and now with their state-of-the-art CC-16 machine the workshop can efficiently carry out 30-minute carbon clean services from cars, to small boats and even light commercial vehicles.

All this can generate valuable extra revenue to a garage and create a competitive advantage too. Take a look at the install and setup of the new machine in Northampton.

Leading Tuning Workshop becomes a Carbon Clean Centre

AmDTuning have recently joined us as a Carbon Clean Centre Plus.
AMD are an established, respected and pioneers in the world of performance car tuning.

AmD Tuning’s Team Principal Shaun Hollamby explains why both Carbon Clean solutions made sense for the busy performance tuning garage on a financial level and he explains how he, as a skeptical racing driver and business owner, was convinced by the results both machines have achieved in the workshop on his own customer’s cars and the extra income potential too

A CCCP site is able to offer both our industry-leading HHO-based carbon cleaning service and our revolutionary DPF-cleaning service to customers, and this is something AmDTuning are now able to offer at their base in Thurrock, Essex thanks to the recent purchase of both a CC-16 carbon cleaning machine and a DCS-16 DPF cleaning machine.

This video shows AmDTuning’s British Touring Car Championship technicians being introduced to both the CC-16 and the DCS-16 machines after delivery and undergoing on-site training from a member of the Carbon Clean install team.

.  Welcome AmD Tuning to the Carbon Clean family!

Entrepreneurs Become Key Distributors in Poland

A group of Entrepreneurs from Poland were researching oxyhydrogen machines when they came across our high-quality HHO carbon machines. Over several meetings Carbon Clean UK decided to work closely with the Medler group and authorise them to become official distributors in Poland.

The growth has been very rapid since March 2018 with over 100 machines sold in the country. The Medler group has also developed a mobile carbon cleaning business and serviced hundreds of cars over the last few years.

Growing the Carbon Cleaning brand through various marketing activities and events, Medler have penetrated the automotive market very aggressively, followed with huge success.

If your interested in becoming an official distributor, get in touch with our experts.